141103 GOT Guidebook (with cover & back)_final - page 26

HKGBC Green Tenancy Driver for Office Buildings
CH 3
is active in promoting sustainable
property and facilities management
across Hong Kong and globally.
J L L ' s approac h t owards gr een
leasing helps landlords and tenants
achieve mutually beneficial outcomes
which lower costs, foster greater
engagement, and deliver meaningful
en v i ronmen t a l bene f i t s . When
done well, green leasing can add
tremendous value to all parties, in
a simple, streamlined manner, and
is a key element of any holistic
sustainability strategy.
One o f t he mo s t common e r ro r s made by
organisations when promoting environmental
awa r e n e s s amo ng i t s own pe r s o n n e l and
stakeholders is caused by the sporadic deployment
of green programmes. These programmes are
hosted too far and few in between for an effective
implementation. The much more ambitious goal
of driving a culture shift among stakeholders to
become more sustainable requires an increase in the
scaling of awareness raising activities. The setting
up of a comprehensive education for the entire
corporation on a regular basis is a good example. It
is envisioned that this will slowly allow and convince
stakeholders to commit to sustainability.
In order to maintain the effectiveness of the
sustainability education, the constant communication
between Landlord and Tenant is required to review
the programme due to the need to account for
changes in social culture. It will allow Landlord
and Tenant to exchange new ideas or create
opportunities to maintain their engagement in
There are many me t hods t o imp l emen t an
effective sustainability education that encourages
a behavioural change in stakeholders. A few
examples have been listed as below:
Establishing a “green workforce” to set
targets and review company sustainability
Periodically-upda ted noticeboards and
announcements, awards or recognitions, etc.
Online platform showing energy and water
consumption by individual tenants
Posters showing real-world, straightforward
comparisons, for example, XX KWh is equal
to boiling XX full kettles XX times, etc.
Providing tenants with tenant’s Handbook to
guide them how to be more sustainable
Kai Shing
, a member of Sun Hung Kai
Properties, has clear goals and visions
in environmental management. As a
pioneer in implementing the ISO14001
Environmental Management System
and ISO50001 Energy Management
System, Kai Shing also adapts an
eco-business model by collaborating
with tenants and occupants to reduce
the overall environmental impacts
through various programmmes in
managing its commercial properties.
Five commercial buildings under its
management have achieved the top
honours at the Hong Kong Awards for
Environmental Excellence in the past
Kai Shing Management
Services Limited, Sun
Hung Kai Properties
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